**Dogs and Potatoes: A Mashed-Up Match Made in Heaven**

dogs and potatoes

Dogs and Potatoes: A Tale of Love and Caution

If you've ever wondered whether or not dogs can eat potatoes, you're not alone. This is a common question that many dog owners have, and the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. While potatoes are not toxic to dogs, they can be harmful if they are not cooked properly.

Raw Potatoes: A No-No for Dogs

Raw potatoes contain a compound called solanine, which is toxic to dogs. Solanine can cause a variety of symptoms in dogs, including vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even death in severe cases. So, it is important to never feed your dog raw potatoes.

Cooked Potatoes: Okay in Moderation

Cooked potatoes, on the other hand, are safe for dogs to eat in moderation. However, it is important to note that potatoes are a high-carbohydrate food, so they should not be fed to dogs in large amounts. Too many potatoes can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

The Best Way to Feed Potatoes to Dogs

If you want to give your dog a potato, the best way to do so is to boil or bake it and then mash it up. You can also add a little bit of plain yogurt or cottage cheese to make it more palatable for your dog. However, it is important to avoid adding any seasonings, such as salt, pepper, or butter, as these can be harmful to dogs.


In conclusion, potatoes are not toxic to dogs, but they should be cooked properly before being fed to them. Raw potatoes contain a compound called solanine, which is toxic to dogs. Cooked potatoes are safe for dogs to eat in moderation, but they should not be fed to dogs in large amounts. The best way to feed potatoes to dogs is to boil or bake them and then mash them up.

Dogs and Potatoes: A Comprehensive Guide

Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Yes, dogs can eat potatoes, but only cooked potatoes. Raw potatoes contain solanine, a toxic compound that can cause digestive upset, vomiting, and lethargy in dogs. Cooked potatoes are safe for dogs to eat as a treat, but they should not make up a large part of their diet since they are high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients.

[Image of a dog eating a potato]

Image source: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?q=

Benefits of Potatoes for Dogs

Cooked potatoes contain several nutrients that can be beneficial for dogs, including:

  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that helps boost the immune system.
  • Potassium: An electrolyte that helps regulate blood pressure and heart function.
  • Fiber: Helps promote healthy digestion.

Risks of Potatoes for Dogs

While cooked potatoes are generally safe for dogs, there are some potential risks to consider:

  • Solanine poisoning: As mentioned earlier, raw potatoes contain solanine, which can be toxic to dogs.
  • Digestive upset: Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, which can cause digestive upset, especially in dogs with sensitive stomachs.
  • Weight gain: Potatoes are high in calories, so feeding them to dogs in large amounts can lead to weight gain.

How to Feed Potatoes to Dogs

If you want to feed potatoes to your dog, be sure to cook them first. You can boil, bake, or roast potatoes, but avoid adding any seasonings or oils. Give your dog potatoes in moderation as a treat, not as a regular part of their diet.

[Image of a dog playing with a potato]

Image source: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?q=

Potatoes and Dog Food

Some commercial dog foods contain potatoes as an ingredient. Potato starch is often used as a thickener or binder in dog food. Potatoes are also a source of carbohydrates for dogs, so they can provide energy. However, it's important to read the ingredient list carefully to make sure that the potato content is not too high.


Dogs can eat cooked potatoes in moderation, but they should not make up a large part of their diet. Potatoes are a good source of some nutrients, but they are also high in carbohydrates, so they should be fed as a treat. If you are unsure whether potatoes are a good choice for your dog, talk to your veterinarian.

